

We offer barrels and batteries of Balsamic Vinegar aged for over 50 years,meticulously cared for with the passion that distinguishes our vinegar factory. Are you interested in creating your own Balsamic Vinegar battery, or do you need to add a barrel to your family collection? Take a look below and get in touch with us!

SKU: AB-B Category:


Balsamic Vinegar is the result of the unique pedoclimatic characteristics of the region and the variety of grown in the Modena area.It combines the art of cooking grape musts and the procedures of annual transfers and top-ups among the small barrels in the vinegar factory. Each transfer enriches it with distinctive aromatic characteristics, and each wood imparts scents and flavors differently, allowing it to mature year by year and become unique and inimitable.

Batteria di legni rovere e castagno composta da 6 botti (8L, 15L, 20L, 40L, 50L)

Batteria di castagno composta da 6 botti (5L, 10L, 20L, 30L, 60L)

Botti di castagno da 5 L

Botti di castagno da 10 L

Botti di castagno da 15 L

Botti di rovere da 11L

Botti di rovere da 16L

Make your own Balsamic Vinegar!


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    Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena 12-24 years

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